Re: on owl:imports

>Pat Hayes wrote:
>>I agree. But I don't follow why you need this:
><> owl:imports <ex2.owl>.
><> owl:imports <ex3.owl>.
><eg:a> <eg:p> <eg:b> .
><eg:a> <eg:q> <eg:b> .
>I believe a legal interpretation can have I(ex2.owl) = I(ex3.owl), 
>(in fact these seem wholly unconstrained) and so ex1.owl does not 
>necessarily have two owl:imports.

Ah. Yes, I see your point. We simply didn't consider this use of URIs 
in RDF, and as I recall, OWL semantics kind of punted on it also. The 
Common Logic semantics does this properly, using the notion of a 
'network name' which has a fixed denotation in all interpretations. 
It was inspired by the named graphs extension.

>Using the named graphs extension to RDF semantics would fix this, 
>for example, by requiring I(ex2.owl), I(ex3.owl) to be the two 
>different singleton sets of triples listed. That extension, is, of 
>course, designed to be compatible with OWL Full.

Yup. It works in full predicate logic, in fact.


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Received on Friday, 15 June 2007 16:19:35 UTC